Tuesday 24 November 2015

Welcome, Fellow Justice Speakers!


My name's Girl of the Woods, and I'm an Amity, a Ravenclaw, a home-educator, a tribute from District Eleven, a Silver, a teenager, a Half-blood and generally an all round fan of popcorn. And, yes, as you guessed, a true bookworm at heart. And, also, as you have guessed, the owner of this blog. Elementary, my dear Watson!
Whether you are a blackmailed family member, a bookie looking for some books recommendations, or just another Ravenclaw, this is the blog for you. On this *snazzy* blog, I will post a hoard of film, book and theater production reviews, for other teenagers like me, that might just tickle your fancy.

Why did I create this blog?

I have been an avid reader for for the last thirteen years, and I think there is nothing more exciting then discovering a goldmine of delicious books in the library, just sitting there, ready to read. However, when I started reading teenage books, I was rather disappointed with the selection that my local library had to offer. I found that there was two main categories of books: post-apocalyptic miseries, with hardcore violence and colourful language, or soppy-lovey-dovey highschool romances. Where was that beautiful hoarde of wholesome, healthy and fantastic books, that didn't have explicit scenes or cringe-worthy violence?

Well, to help other teenagers in this desperate situation, I created the Mouth of Justice and Popcorn. Here, I review the good, the bad and the beautiful books and movies, written from a Christian and teenage perspective, with the hopes that someday, other teenagers like me wont have to be trapped by poor choice, lack of options or bad advice, in the harsh world of novels and film. This blog is for teenagers, and their parents too!

If you would like to browse this blog, click on one of those cool looking buttons up there. You can select what reviews or recommendations you are looking for. (whether it be films, books, theater etc.) If you would like to show your support, please follow this blog, and check it frequently for updates!

If you have a suggestion, of a film/book/course you would like me to review, then please comment below.

How to decode the rating system

So, you've decided to read this blog. Great! However, you will start noticing these little pictures pop up everywhere. What do they mean? Well, I'm glad you asked, because this is the post for you!

Genre: Genre is the type of story or film. It is just a way to explain the kind of category it fits into.

Inappropriate Content: This section covers any rude words, sexual scenes or other explicit themes that was mentioned/shown in the book or film. I cover this in more detail, further down the post, describing what kind of language was used, (don't worry, no actual examples are mentioned) and also what age I'd recommend the reader should (or in some cases shouldn't) be.

Violence: I am not usually that fazed by violence in books, but I understand that there are many who are. So, here, I describe the violence levels (non-existent, mild, moderate or extreme) basing it off of several points: fights, blood or gory description.

Plot: Two adjectives to describe the book/film, based on the plot and the characterisation.

Popcorn Rating: My views on the subject, condensed into stars!

There! You are now equipped to explore this fantastic (if I may say so myself!) website.  I hope you enjoy, and, as always, remember that you can never have too much popcorn!

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