Saturday 16 January 2016

Kindle Unlimited - Is it worth it?

DISCLAIMER -Eugh, what a nasty looking red. I mean, I haven't received any deals or anything from Amazon (such as: a month free trial for an "unbiased review".... (I wish)) so this opinion is entirely of my own! 

Kindle Unlimited - Is it worth it?
I got kindle unlimited because it was the only way to read Harry Potter on kindle. Lets face it, that's a pretty persuasive reason already. I was planning to keep it for as long as it took for me to sprint through the series, and then ditch it at the soonest opportunity right after. However, the combination of its enticing offers and its exciting name (I mean, unlimited! What a promising word!) made me keep it for a little bit longer.

What is kindle unlimited?
Kindle Unlimited is a little "club" that allows you to borrow selected books for free. It sort of works like one big library, except when you borrow a book, you feel a little spark of pride that you aren't going about paying like everyone else. However, it isn't free, or cheap - as it runs on a monthly membership that costs £7.99 - which is a little too pricey, if you ask me.

Okay, convince me!
Well, you can borrow a wide variety of books, whenever you what. It doesn't just sell the new and unheard of novels, but actually offers quite a few iconic wonders! (such as Harry Potter, Life of Pi, The Hunger Games Trilogy, etc.) I've found it useful, as often on my quest for wholesome books, I stumble across a possibly-amazing-or-really-really-bad book, which I'm just not sure about buying. I mean, the blurb looks promising, but then again, so did the young Miley Cyrus, and we all know how weird she is now! (Sorry, bad joke)
Anyway, sometimes, I can just borrow it for free, and if I decide that it really is a hidden Miley, then I can rest happy, knowing that I didn't wastea single penny on my mistake.

Are you sure this isn't an advert?
Yep, because Kindle Unlimited just as many downsides as it does bonuses. To start with, there is quite a limited range of books on offer for my type of genre. Sure, there are many adult books on offer, but I'd rather not jump into a possibly graphic or sexual novel just because it was free. I mean, for me, it's hard enough to find wholesome books that are aimed at teenagers, without worrying if it is on the Kindle Unlimited range.
Moreover, you can only "borrow" ten books at a time.  If you're into re-reading, that's a pretty small budget. (Don't worry, you can always return books to borrow more, but sometimes it is nice to have a blast from the past over a nice bowl of cornflakes - if that floats your goat, of course) Also, you have to be reading a darn lot of books very quickly to justify the cost - £7.99 isn't cheap, to be honest.

[Insert satisfying conclusion here]
As you can see, I can't really make a universal judgement for everyone. It really depends on what types of books you're into, how often you read, and whether you have a burning passion to read Harry Potter on Kindle. If you feel like you may want to give it a shot, then try it out for a month or two. However, you have to remember to cancel the subscription, as it will keep on going, stopping only once you have dived deep into the dark and eeeevil sections of returning or cancelling an item on Amazon. I cannot promise you'll feel the same again!

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