Thursday 19 November 2015

Book Review: Fledgling by Nicole Conway

Fledgling by Nicole Conway
A thrilling read, with an original plot line. Definitely not your average dragon story!

"Oh, great." I hear you say. "Not another dragon story!". But, no, this isn't your average boy-meets-dragon and they fly off into the sunset- kinda story.

It is set in a fantasy world, where the grey elves are engaged in a longstanding battle against the humans. Jaevid (the story's hero) is a half-breed. (half elf, half human) An almost-orphan, he is shunned by everyone. The elves view him as a traitor, and the humans view him as scum - just because of his heritage.

He lives with his cruel human father, (as his mother passed away), who is a saddle maker. But, these saddles aren't for horses, but instead, for dragons.

If you think this book sounds awesome, and you'd like to read more, then please click the "Read More" button, below. 

Whilst staying at the dragon academy, making saddles for young, rich, human riders, he discovers a rouge dragon, too wild for a rider. Without even taming the dragon, a bond is formed between these two outcasts, and before he knows it, Jae is threatening the very foundations of the dragon rider academy. Will they accept him, and follow the founding code? Or is their hatred for grey elves too strong to allow it?

This thrilling book covers themes of racism, betrayal and mild romance. There wasn't any inappropriate content (maybe a d*mn here and there), but otherwise, it was very clean. There was some violence...

Wanna keep reading? There is some spoilers coming up in the examples!

I'D ADVISE NOT TO READ THIS, IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO READ THE BOOK. SERIOUSLY. he gets bullied a lot at the academy, (so bruising is mentioned) and one part where (SPOILER ALERT) the villain gets eaten by his own dragon, but it skipped over, and wasn't terribly, repulsively gruesome, earning it a mild to slightly moderate label.

I would really recommend this book for ages 12+, (As I read it then and enjoyed it), but would easily suit a 13-14 year old's tastes.

N.B. The second book in the series is remarkably more violent, so I'd suggest checking with your parent/child before you read (or suggest they read) it. A review of it can be written, if interest is high enough. Girl x 

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